Thursday, August 30, 2007

A New Project

I'm just starting a new, large and probably over ambitious, project. This project, will be a collections of smaller relatively independent projects that will come together in a final application. For the moment I haven't quite decided what this application will be, just that it will be based around a Real-Time 3D graphics Engine.

I plan to try to design the each part of the project in detail, and to try and keep this blog up-to-date on progress. The starting point will be the Toolbox. The idea behind the Toolbox is for a collection of classes and functions that could be used in most graphical programs. This would include common maths classes for things like vectors and matrices, also useful graphics classes such as Mesh and Texture wrappers and maybe File Handling functions for loading images or model files.

Next in line is a Rendering Engine, I hope to make a interface that will support different rendering APIs, like OpenGL or DirectX. Initially it will have an OpenGL implementation, as my experience in greater and more recent the DX. Also I'm going to consider creating a Software Rastering system from near scratch, this is more a 'just to see if I can' than a feature of the project. From there I'm not sure where I'll go next, maybe a GUI, but as that could be a number of months away, I should have an idea by then.

To finish, if I discover something I think might be of interest or I get a related request, I'll write an article or tutorial about it here.


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